Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Olive Oil is the New Butter


Since we only have one sort-of functioning burner and a microwave to work with in our apartment, and my cooking skills are even more limited than the cooking resources themselves, I have been experimenting with various meals. Most of them somehow involve olive one uses butter here! That's why they're so healthy!

My new favorite, surprisingly enough, is asparagus sauteed in olive oil and served with cheese and crackers. Delicious! I've also made various kinds of pasta with olive oil, and there is a bakery across the street from my apartment that sells huge baguettes for only 85 cents, so I've been eating a lot of bread with olive oil too. I've also become the master of microwave nachos with fresh green and red peppers. So far I haven't been able to find jalapeños, but I'm on a mission to add those, too.

I've also been eating a lot of Activia, trying to keep my system regular, because we all know how much my stomach likes unfamiliar places!

This week has been pretty uneventful thus far, just going to classes, doing homework, and saving my energy for Rome this weekend! I am so excited!

Hasta luego.

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